Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, and Coastal Disasters. A Review of Modeling Practices
Posted: 18 Jan 2014
Date Written: January 14, 2014
The climate change impacts on sea level rise and coastal disasters, and the possible adaptation responses have been studied using very different approaches, such as very detailed site-specific engineering studies and global macroeconomic assessments of coastal zones vulnerability. This paper reviews the methodologies and the modeling practices used by the sea level rise literature. It points at the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, motivating differences in results and in policy implications. Based on the studies surveyed, this paper also identifies potential directions for future research.
This is a pre-print version of Francesco Bosello, Enrica De Cian, Climate change, sea level rise, and coastal disasters. A review of modeling practices, Energy Economics, ISSN 0140-9883.
Keywords: Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, Sea Level Rise
JEL Classification: Q5, Q54
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation