Avoiding the Glorious Mess: A Sensible Approach to Climate Change and the Clean Air Act

14 Pages Posted: 17 Feb 2014

See all articles by Jonas Monast

Jonas Monast

UNC School of Law

Tim Profeta

Duke University - Nicholas School of the Environment

David Cooley


Date Written: October 2010


In March 2010, the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke University, the Duke University School of Law, and the Center for Law, the Environment, Adaptation, and Resources (CLEAR) at the University of North Carolina School of Law convened many of the nation’s legal experts on the Clean Air Act for an event in Durham, North Carolina, to examine the options for regulating GHGs under the Act. This report builds upon some of the ideas discussed at that meeting and described in recent publications, with the goal of identifying a viable approach to GHG regulation through the current Clean Air Act in the event that Congress does not act on comprehensive climate legislation.

Keywords: Clean Air Act, climate change

Suggested Citation

Monast, Jonas and Profeta, Tim and Cooley, David, Avoiding the Glorious Mess: A Sensible Approach to Climate Change and the Clean Air Act (October 2010). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2396937 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2396937

Jonas Monast (Contact Author)

UNC School of Law ( email )

102 Ridge Road
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Tim Profeta

Duke University - Nicholas School of the Environment ( email )

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David Cooley

Independent ( email )

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