Steele's Straightforward Torts
98 Pages Posted: 10 Mar 2014 Last revised: 9 Aug 2019
Date Written: August 7, 2019
This reference book is a summary presentation of elements and notes on the common law of torts in the United States. It is intended to support students as a resource for the study of American law. Coverage includes: assault, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, fraud, false imprisonment, prima facie tort, false arrest and arrest privilege, merchant's privilege, defenses of self, other and property, consent, recklessness, insurance, negligence, landowner negligence, negligence per se, medical malpractice, spoliation, express assumption of risk, implied assumption of risk, informed consent, contributory negligence, comparative fault, imputation of negligence, attractive nuisance, strict liability, strict product liability, necessity, damages, punitive damages, wrongful death, survival, res ipsa loquitur and proof, joint and multiple liabilities, Tarasoff liability, negligence infliction of emotional distress, rescue doctrine, firefighter rule, economic loss rule, duty, causation, affirmative duty, trespass, conversion, private and public nuisance, defamation, privacy, interference, wrongful termination, workers' compensation, Federal Tort Claims Act, and constitutional torts.
Keywords: torts, obligations, civil, common law, legal elements, law, intent, negligence, strict liability, liability
JEL Classification: K13, K41
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation