Trusts and Estates: Teaching Uniform Law
11 Pages Posted: 26 Mar 2014
The law school course in Trusts and Estates provides a valuable opportunity for students to gain a deeper understanding of the processes and products of one of the principal law-reform organizations in the United States: the Uniform Law Commission, also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. Within the law school curriculum, the course in Trusts and Estates is well suited for this purpose because the Uniform Law Commission has been and will continue to be highly active and influential in the field of trust and estate law. This essay, prepared for a symposium issue of the St. Louis University Law Journal on "Teaching Trusts and Estates," proceeds in six main parts. Part I provides background on the Uniform Law Commission. Part II highlights the many uniform acts in the field of trusts and estates. Part III introduces the Joint Editorial Board for Uniform Trust and Estate Acts and its role in the on-going monitoring and updating of uniform acts in this area of the law. Part IV summarizes the process by which uniform laws are drafted, approved, promulgated, and enacted. Part V examines aspects of the structure of uniform laws which are important for purposes of law school teaching. Part VI discusses the procedures for updating and amending uniform laws. A brief conclusion follows.
Keywords: uniform law, uniform law commission, teaching, wills, trusts, estates, succession
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