Optimal Investment and Consumption with Fixed and Proportional Transaction Costs

30 Pages Posted: 6 Dec 2000

See all articles by Hong Liu

Hong Liu

Washington University in St. Louis - Olin Business School; Fudan University - China Institute of Economics and Finance

Date Written: November 13, 2000


We consider the optimal investment and consumption policy for a constant absolute risk averse investor who faces fixed and/or proportional transaction costs when trading a stock and maximizes his expected utility from intertemporal consumption. We show that the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman PDE with free boundaries can be reduced to an ODE, which greatly simpli es the problem. Using the stochastic impulse and singular control techniques, we then derive the optimal investmment and consumption policy. In particular, when there are both fixed and proportional costs, it is shown that the optimal stock investment policy is to keep the dollar amount invested in the stock between two constant levels and upon reaching these two thresholds, the investor jumps to the corresponding optimal target level. We also provide detailed analysis of the optimal policy.

JEL Classification: D91, D92, G11, G12

Suggested Citation

Liu, Hong, Optimal Investment and Consumption with Fixed and Proportional Transaction Costs (November 13, 2000). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=243000 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.243000

Hong Liu (Contact Author)

Washington University in St. Louis - Olin Business School ( email )

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314-935-5883 (Phone)

Fudan University - China Institute of Economics and Finance ( email )
