Summary Judgment and the Reasonable Jury Standard: A Proxy for a Judge's Own View of the Sufficiency of the Evidence?
Judicature, Vol. 97, No. 5, March/April 2014
Illinois Program in Law, Behavior and Social Science Paper No. LBSS14-31
7 Pages Posted: 1 May 2014 Last revised: 15 May 2014
Date Written: 2014
Under motions for summary judgment, directed verdict, and judgment as a matter of law, judges employ the reasonable jury standard, deciding whether a reasonable jury could find for the non-moving party. This article explores the propriety of the reasonable jury standard, argues the standard has become a proxy for a judge’s own view of the evidence, and proposes renewed study of the standard.
Keywords: summary judgment, jury, reasonable jury, judgment as a matter of law, directed verdict
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