Euro-American Model Code of Administrative Jurisdiction: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish Versions
Niterói: Editora da UFF, 2014. 130p
137 Pages Posted: 18 Aug 2014 Last revised: 11 Sep 2014
Date Written: July 23, 2014
The “Euro-American Model Code of Administrative Jurisdiction” proposes a model for the administrative jurisdiction based on a comparison between the Continental-European and Latin American systems. It covers the following topics, in particular: purpose and admissible claims; intensity of supervision; scope of review of the legality of administrative proceedings; review of discretionary powers; review of planning or of acts involving an assessment of multiple interests; the independence of the administrative jurisdiction; territorial competence; referral for a preliminary ruling on legality; effective protection; dispositive principle; investigative principle; principle of oral proceedings; openness; speedy trial principle; principle of adversarial proceedings; admissibility of the action; free legal aid; preliminary objection proceedings; prior request to the administrative authority; time limit; conciliation and mediation; approval of the agreement and procedures for appeal; interim relief; automatic suspensory effect; appeal; cassation; reopening of the proceedings; enforcement of judgments.
Text drafted during four European-Latin American research seminars entitled “Model Code of Administrative Jurisdiction”, held from 2006 to 2010 by the “Effectiveness of Jurisdiction” Research Group at Federal Fluminense University, in Niterói, Brazil, and at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer; it was approved in september 2010 in Niterói.
Besides the two coordinators, Professor Dr. Ricardo Perlingeiro (Federal Fluminense University in Niteroi), and Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl-Peter Sommermann (German University for Administrative Sciences in Speyer), the following professors took part in the deliberations on the Model Code (in alphabetical order): Professor Dr. Pedro Aberastury (University of Buenos Aires), Professor Dr. Hermann-Josef Blanke (University of Erfurt), Professor Dr. Gabriele Bottino (University of Milan), Professor Dr. David Capitant (University of Paris I), Professor Dr. Jesús María Casal Hernández (Catholic University Andrés Bello, Caracas), Professor Dr. Diana-Urania Galetta (University of Milan), Professor Dr. Ricardo García Macho (University of Castellón), Professor Dr. Leonardo Greco (University of Rio de Janeiro), Dr. Lorena Ossio Bustillos (Max-Planck-Institute for International and Foreign Social Law, in Munich), Dr. Gilles Pellissier, Maître des Requêtes (French Council of State) and Professor Dr. Consuelo Sarría Olcos (Externado University, Bogotá).
Note: Downloadable document is in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Keywords: Administrative Jurisdiction, Effective Judicial Protection, Judicial Review, Comparative Administrative Law, Ibero-American Administrative Law, Euro-American Administrative Law
JEL Classification: I18, K32, K33, K23, K41, I11, I28, H75, H51, N46
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation