주요국의 창조산업 해외진출전략과 시사점 (Creative Industries' Export and Internationalization Strategies of Selected Countries and Their Policy Implications)
171 Pages Posted: 2 Jun 2014
Date Written: December 30, 2013
Korean Abstract: 최근 노동, 자본, 토지와 같은 전통적인 생산요소 외에 지식이나 창의성과 같은 비가시적 생산요소의 중요성이 높아지고, 탈제조업화로 대표되는 경제구조의 변화가 진행되고 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서 검토한 영국, 핀란드, 독일, 일본을 비롯한 많은 국가들이 새로운 성장동력과, 일자리 창출원으로서 창조산업에 주목하고 있다. 창조산업은 중소기업이 밀집된 분야로 고용증대에 미치는 영향이 크며, 혁신적인 제품을 개발함으로써 새로운 소비자와 시장을 개척하는 첨병 역할을 한다. 또한 창조산업의 해외진출 확대는 국가간의 문화적 거리감을 완화하고 여타 분야의 수출 확대와 국가 브랜드 제고에 기여하는 효과가 있다. 본 연구는 상기 국가들의 정책 사례를 검토하였다.
English Abstract: Along with the emergence of knowledge-based economy, importance of nonvisible production factors, such as knowledge and creativity is widely recognized. With the spread of such recognition, the concept of creative industries has been diffused over the world. Identifying creative industries as an individual industrial sector, countries have come to find that creative industries are new sources of job creation and have the potential to lead cross-industry innovation. As creative industries play a role of pioneering new markets by developing innovative goods and services, internationalization strategy takes a core position in the relevant policies.
In this sense, it is necessary to develop a unique Korean concept of creative industries which expands the current category of cultural content industries by including design, architecture, and some ICT and R&D services.
As creative industries have high concentration of SMEs and micro firms, it is necessary to exert efforts on supporting competent SMEs. It is also important to reinforce competitiveness of creative services, such as architecture, R&D, and design. Architecture and R&D service markets, which account for the largest share of creative services trade, expand rapidly in emerging countries.
Creative firms give positive effects on identification of new consumer demands, provision of new solutions and concepts, creation of new approaches to known problems, joint development of innovative ideas, etc. The government needs to select competitive creative firms and help them link with domestic/foreign firms in various sectors, and give incentives for such activities.
Compared to industrial sectors such as manufacturing, creative firms (especially SMEs) face bigger difficulties in exporting. Accordingly, the government needs to provide export funding and foreign market information specialized for creative industries, support creative firms' participation in international trade shows and formation of networks, and include competitive creative firms in business delegations.
An important feature of strategies for creative industries’ internationalization is to expand the number of target countries. Such feature includes not only expansion of trade among developed countries but also diversification of target countries into emerging countries. Countries studied in this report select strategic target countries among emerging countries based on various factors, such as market size, growth potential, maturity of bilateral economic relationship, cultural intimacy, etc.
MOU is an effective means of helping creative industries enter emerging counties in that it can contain various interests through inter-discipline and inter-department cooperation. Cooperative relationship through MOU can also contribute to building a basis for emerging countries' creative industries.
As intellectual property right is a core of creative industries, it is needed to increase the level of intellectual property right protection of emerging countries through bilateral dialogue channels including FTA negotiations.
As creative industries are important components of a country's soft power, they require utilization and attention on the government level. Especially, it is required to establish a comprehensive country brand marketing strategy that utilizes Korea's core assets including creative industries.
Note: Downloadable document is in Korean.
Keywords: Creative Industries, Creative economy, Creative firms, UK, Finland, Germany, Japan
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