International IPO Markets and a Foreign IPO Puzzle

45 Pages Posted: 4 Jun 2014 Last revised: 1 Jul 2014

See all articles by Gonul Colak

Gonul Colak

University of Sussex ; Hanken School of Economics

Candace Jens

Syracuse University - Whitman School of Management

April M. Knill

University of South Carolina - Darla Moore School of Business

Kelsey Syvrud

Florida State University; University of South Florida - Department of Finance

Date Written: January 15, 2014


We analyze a firm’s decision to conduct initial public offerings (IPOs) internationally. Global IPOs (issuing both domestically and abroad) raise significantly more capital in the international markets than any other form of IPO. Though over eight percent of firms conducting an IPO between 1995 and 2010 choose to conduct Foreign IPO (issuing only abroad), this form of IPO fails to raise significantly more proceeds than matching IPOs with similar firm characteristics. This constitutes a “Foreign IPO Puzzle.” We consider several explanations for this puzzle. Our results are consistent with firms attempting to take advantage of hotter IPO markets, more efficient pricing, better legal environment, better opportunities for a subsequent SEO, and stronger currencies. None of these hypotheses fully explains away this puzzle.

Keywords: initial public offerings, international, legal bonding, underpricing

JEL Classification: F30, G32

Suggested Citation

Colak, Gonul and Jens, Candace and Knill, April M. and Syvrud, Kelsey, International IPO Markets and a Foreign IPO Puzzle (January 15, 2014). Available at SSRN: or

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Candace Jens

Syracuse University - Whitman School of Management ( email )

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April M. Knill

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Kelsey Syvrud

Florida State University ( email )

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