Guide to the Russian Law on Joint Stock Companies (in Russian)
702 Pages Posted: 26 Oct 2000
This book is the Russian language version of our treatise on the Russian Law on Joint Stock Companies, which we participated in drafting. You can download either the entire book (click on the download document button below), or one or more of its parts. It contains three parts:
(1) a general overview of the theory (a "self enforcing model of corporate law") behind the law. You can download this part of the book from
(2) a detailed section-by-section analysis and critique of the law. You can download this part of the book from
(3) appendices containing the text of the law, a model Russian joint stock company law drafted by Bernard Black and Anna Tarassova, relevant excerpts from the Russian civil Code, and an important judicial interpretation of the law. You can download this part of the book from
Please note: The downloadable book is written in Russian. The English language version is available from Kluwer Law International. Contact
The concept of a self-enforcing corporate law is developed in Bernard Black & Reinier Kraakman, A Self-Enforcing Model of Corporate Law, Harvard Law Review, vol. 109, pp. 1911-1982, 1996, available at
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