A Moment Based Analytic Approximation of the Risk-neutral Density of American Options

44 Pages Posted: 25 Aug 2014 Last revised: 4 Feb 2018

See all articles by Juan Arismendi-Zambrano

Juan Arismendi-Zambrano

University College Dublin (UCD), College of Business and Law, UCD School of Business, Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business, Students; University of Reading - ICMA Centre

Marcel Prokopczuk

Leibniz Universität Hannover - Faculty of Economics and Management; University of Reading - ICMA Centre

Date Written: August 22, 2014


The price of a European option can be computed as the expected value of the payoff function under the risk-neutral measure. For American options and path-dependent options in general, this principle cannot be applied. In this paper, we derive a model-free analytical formula for the implied risk-neutral density based on the implied moments of the implicit European contract under which the expected value will be the price of the equivalent payoff with the American exercise condition. The risk-neutral density is semi-parametric as it is the result of applying the multivariate generalised Edgeworth expansion (MGEE), where the moments of the American density are obtained by a reverse engineering application of the Longstaff and Schwartz (2001) least-squares method (LSM). The theory of multivariate truncated moments is employed for approximating the option price, with important consequences for the hedging of variance, skewness, and kurtosis swaps.

Keywords: Multi-asset Risk-neutral Density, American Multi-asset Options, Higher-order Moments

JEL Classification: G13, C63

Suggested Citation

Arismendi-Zambrano, Juan and Prokopczuk, Marcel, A Moment Based Analytic Approximation of the Risk-neutral Density of American Options (August 22, 2014). Applied Mathematical Finance, Volume 23, 2016 - Issue 6, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2486173 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2486173

Juan Arismendi-Zambrano (Contact Author)

University College Dublin (UCD), College of Business and Law, UCD School of Business, Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business, Students ( email )

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Marcel Prokopczuk

Leibniz Universität Hannover - Faculty of Economics and Management ( email )

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Hannover, 30167

University of Reading - ICMA Centre ( email )

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