Searching Smarter: Finding Legal Resources on the Invisible Web
Wisconsin Lawyer, September 2004 at 19
Reprinted in the Colorado Lawyer, February 2005 at 37
4 Pages Posted: 10 Sep 2014
Date Written: September 8, 2014
A great deal of information available on the Internet is found only on the "invisible web," and is not searchable using a general search engine such as Google. Invisible web content is considered dynamic because it exists as pieces of information within a database until you pull it together. Learn what strategies you can use to efficiently locate this content.
Keywords: invisible web, databases, search engines, Wisconsin, legal research
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Shucha, Bonnie J., Searching Smarter: Finding Legal Resources on the Invisible Web (September 8, 2014). Wisconsin Lawyer, September 2004 at 19, Reprinted in the Colorado Lawyer, February 2005 at 37, Univ. of Wisconsin Legal Studies Research Paper No. 1285, Available at SSRN: or
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