Standard Contracts in the Trade between China and Mozambique (Os Contratos De Adesão Nas Relações Comerciais Entre a China E Moçambique)
in Wei Dan, Orquídea Massarongo Jona (eds.), Questões Jurídicas Contemporâneas relativas ao Comércio e Investimento China-África, Almedina, 2014, pp. 41-63.
Posted: 12 Sep 2014
Date Written: June 2014
The trade between China and Africa has been growing tremendously in the last years. Mozambique has been emerging as an important market for China, interested in acquiring natural resources and selling products to the developing Mozambiquean market. The use of standard contracts plays an important role in international trade. This article compares the regulation of standard contract terms in the legal systems of China and Mozambique.
Keywords: China, Mozambique, international contracts, standard contract terms, standard contracts
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