La Estrategia De Cooperación Empresarialuna Alternativa Para Fortalecer La Ventaja Competitiva En La Mipyme: Caso Industria Metal Mecánica Del Sureste De Coahuila (The Strategy of Cooperation between Companies - An Alternative to Strengthen the Competitive Advantage in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: Case Metal Mechanical Industry in Southeastern of Coahuila Mexico)
Revista Global de Negocios, v. 2 (4) p. 91-104, 2014
14 Pages Posted: 11 Dec 2014
Date Written: 2014
Spanish Abstract: El objetivo de la investigación es analizar si la cooperación empresarial puede ser una opción para consolidar las pequeñas empresas metal-mecánicas del sureste del Estado de Coahuila, México. Se diseñó un cuestionario estructurado, considerando tres variables y se aplicó a 69 empresas. La investigación fue exploratoria, descriptiva y no experimental y en cuanto a la temporalidad de la recolección de los datos, es transeccional. La hipótesis planteada es que la ausencia de una mentalidad de apertura, de confianza, de colaboración, de cooperación empresarial, impide que se comprenda los beneficios que se podrían obtener en la ventaja competitiva.Los resultados muestran que la desconfianza y el desconocimiento, son los principales motivos para no asociarse; no obstante, se identificaron áreas de interés de los empresarios para participar en esquemas de cooperación empresarial, como son la tecnología, las compras de insumos, el financiamiento, la calidad, la comercialización y las actividades de exportación. Además, se detectó el grado de posición tecnológica y los factores de competitividad existentes. Derivado del análisis de la información, se concluye que los esquemas de colaboración empresarial son una alternativa viable que debe ser considerada por los empresarios, para fortalecer la competitividad en el mercado interno e internacional.
English Abstract: The objective of the research is to analyze and evaluate whether the cooperative schemes are a feasible option for consolidate the small metal-mechanic companies from the southeastern region of the state of Coahuila, Mexico. For achieve the research objectives, was designed a structured survey for measure three variables. The data were collected by applying the survey to 69 enterprises. The research design was exploratory, descriptive and not experimental, and regarding the temporality of the data collection was cross-sectional. The proposed hypothesis is that the absence of an open attitude towards trust and collaboration for establishing business associations deters understanding the attainable benefits throughthe competitive advantage. The obtained results show that the absence of confidence and lack of knowledge are the major reasons to avoid association. However, were identified areas of interest where the entrepreneurs are willing to participate into business cooperation schemes, such as technology, supply purchases, funding, quality assurance, marketing and exporting activities. Furthermore, was possible to identify the grade of technological development and the existing competitiveness factors. Derived of the results analysis, was concluded business cooperation schemes are a feasible alternative that must be considered by the entrepreneurs in order to strengthen the competitiveness in the domestic and international markets.
Note: Downloadable document is in Spanish.
Keywords: Cooperation between Companies, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Competitiveness, Paradigms, Entrepreneurs
JEL Classification: D2, D21, D7, D71, L14, L15
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation