The Role of (Non)Transparency in a Currency Crisis Model

31 Pages Posted: 11 Dec 2000

See all articles by Kenneth S. Chan

Kenneth S. Chan

McMaster University - Department of Economics; City University of Hong Kong (CityU) - Department of Economics & Finance

Y. Stephen Chiu

The University of Hong Kong - School of Economics and Finance

Multiple version iconThere are 2 versions of this paper

Date Written: November 2000


This paper extends the work by Morris and Shin (1998) where multiple equilibria in the self-fulfilling currency attack models can be reduced to a unique equilibrium when agents observe fundamentals privately with small errors. We find that under a more general specification with realistic parameters, noisy private observations are generally insufficient to prevent the multiplicity of equilibria. The pivotal role played by the transparency of fundamentals/policies in currency crisis is also examined. Surprisingly, transparency may trigger rather than eliminate currency crises when fundamentals are relatively healthy. Our results may be relevant to research in other coordination problems.

Keywords: currency crisis, transparency, multiple equilibria, common knowledge

JEL Classification: F30,D80

Suggested Citation

Chan, Kenneth S. and Chiu, Yiu Wah Stephen, The Role of (Non)Transparency in a Currency Crisis Model (November 2000). Available at SSRN: or

Kenneth S. Chan

McMaster University - Department of Economics ( email )

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(905)521-8232 (Fax)

City University of Hong Kong (CityU) - Department of Economics & Finance ( email )

83 Tat Chee Avenue
Hong Kong

Yiu Wah Stephen Chiu (Contact Author)

The University of Hong Kong - School of Economics and Finance ( email )

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