Open Data & Civic Apps: 1st Generation Failures – 2nd Generation Improvements

18 Pages Posted: 12 Oct 2014 Last revised: 16 Oct 2014

See all articles by Melissa Jo Lee

Melissa Jo Lee

ESADE Business School

Esteve Almirall

ESADE Business School

Jonathan Douglas Wareham

ESADE Business School

Date Written: October 10, 2014


Beginning in 2009, governments across the world intensified their efforts to open their vast collections of data to provide transparency to the public, improve the provision of civic services, and encourage economic development. An initial strategy to encourage the use of this data was the creation of app contests based on civic open data. Though these contests became popular, their impact and value creation was less than anticipated. We examined open data initiatives in eight cities in the US and Europe to understand the failures of these early contests. We conclude with potential improvements and best practices based on second generation open data initiatives.

Keywords: Open data, open innovation, public policy management

JEL Classification: O31, O32

Suggested Citation

Lee, Melissa Jo and Almirall, Esteve and Wareham, Jonathan Douglas, Open Data & Civic Apps: 1st Generation Failures – 2nd Generation Improvements (October 10, 2014). ESADE Business School Research Paper No. 256, Available at SSRN:

Melissa Jo Lee

ESADE Business School ( email )

Av. de Pedralbes, 60-62
Barcelona, 08034

Esteve Almirall

ESADE Business School ( email )

Av. de Pedralbes, 60-62
Barcelona, 08034

Jonathan Douglas Wareham (Contact Author)

ESADE Business School ( email )

Av. de Pedralbes, 60-62
Barcelona, 08034


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