Google's Anti-Competitive and Unfair Practices in Digital Leisure Markets

Competition Law Review 11 (1) 2015

23 Pages Posted: 18 Oct 2014 Last revised: 17 Oct 2015

Date Written: July 1, 2015


The purpose of this article is to reflect on the critical use of commitments in the Google case and to analyse and review the matrix of facts that have been highlighted in the academic and practitioner literature. Therefore, the core area of reflection in this contribution are relevant markets; barriers to entry; network and lock-in effects; dominance; and potential anti-competitive, as well as unfair practices as regards commercial advertisements. The analysis of the online search-engine market is complemented by the comparative insights offered by the US class action against Google’s Android mobile applications. In the EU, a similar trend is noticeable in the complaining tone of Google’s competitors. Coupled with the transitional period of the mandate of the newly appointed Commissioner for Competition and the political sensitivity over the potential to misuse search-engine users’ personal data to serve commercial purposes, such as boosting its advertising revenues, the giant Google swims in uncertain waters.

Keywords: Google, abuse of dominance, Article 102, online commerce, advertisement, anti-trust law, behavioural economics

JEL Classification: D1, D42, K21, K23, L00, L43

Suggested Citation

Chirita, Anca D., Google's Anti-Competitive and Unfair Practices in Digital Leisure Markets (July 1, 2015). Competition Law Review 11 (1) 2015, Available at SSRN:

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