Evaluation of a Truthful Revelation Auction in the Context of Energy Markets with Nonconcave Benefits

Posted: 5 Jan 2001

See all articles by Benjamin F. Hobbs

Benjamin F. Hobbs

Johns Hopkins University

Michael H. Rothkopf

Rutgers University, Piscataway

Laurel C. Hyde

Government of the United States of America - Office of Economic Policy

Richard P. O'Neill

Government of the United States of America - Office of Economic Policy


We describe a Vickrey-Clarke-Groves auction of supply and demand bidding in the face of market power and nonconcave benefits in which bidders are motivated to bid truthfully, and evaluate its use for power and gas pipeline auctions. The auction efficiently allocates resources if firms maximize profits. Simulations, including an application to the PJM power market, illustrate the procedure. However. the auction has several undesirable properties. It risks being revenue deficient, can be gamed by cooperating suppliers and consumers, and is subject to the information revelation and bid-taker cheating concerns that make single item Vickrey auctions rare.

JEL Classification: D44,Q4

Suggested Citation

Hobbs, Benjamin F. and Rothkopf, Michael H. and Hyde, Laurel C. and O'Neill, Richard P., Evaluation of a Truthful Revelation Auction in the Context of Energy Markets with Nonconcave Benefits. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=251428

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Johns Hopkins University ( email )

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Michael H. Rothkopf

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Laurel C. Hyde

Government of the United States of America - Office of Economic Policy ( email )

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Richard P. O'Neill

Government of the United States of America - Office of Economic Policy ( email )

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202 208-0193 (Fax)

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