Testimony of Robert Hockett: Financial Services Panel Series, the Honorable Maxine Waters (CA-35) Presenting: The Housing Crisis and Policy Solutions: Should Eminent Domain Be Used to Save Underwater Homeowners?

9 Pages Posted: 25 Nov 2014

Date Written: September 11, 2012


This written testimony accompanied Professor Hockett's oral testimony, given 11 September 2012, before a House of Representatives panel convened by Rep. Maxine Waters, on the necessity of municipalities' employing their eminent domain authority to purchase and write-down principal on deeply underwater private label securitized (PLS) mortgage loans. Professor Hockett argues that familiar market impediments prevent voluntary write-downs of such loans even when such write-downs are as creditor- as they are debtor-friendly. Pursuit of his eminent domain approach to the otherwise insoluble, still ongoing mortgage debt deflation, Professor Hockett concludes, will be 'win-win' for all interested parties.

Keywords: Banks, Condemnation, Crisis, Debt, Debt Deflation, Eminent Domain, Financial Crisis, Foreclosure, Homes, Housing, Housing Crisis, Loans, Local Government, Local Government Law, Mortgages, Mortgage Crisis, Mortgage Debt, Mortgage Foreclosure, Municipal Government, Private Label Securitization, PLS

Suggested Citation

Hockett, Robert C., Testimony of Robert Hockett: Financial Services Panel Series, the Honorable Maxine Waters (CA-35) Presenting: The Housing Crisis and Policy Solutions: Should Eminent Domain Be Used to Save Underwater Homeowners? (September 11, 2012). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2530163 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2530163

Robert C. Hockett (Contact Author)

Cornell University - Law School ( email )

Myron Taylor Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4901
United States

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