Aid to Africa: The Changing Context
UNU-WIDER working paper series. 2013/144
Posted: 14 Dec 2014
There are 2 versions of this paper
Aid to Africa: The Changing Context
Date Written: December 2013
To continue its economic growth and create new and better livelihoods, Africa must transform the productive side of its economy. Ongoing globalization — in trade, finance, and technology — opens up new possibilities for structural transformation, but also new risks as Africa’s integration with the global economy evolves. Climate change is impacting productive sectors and the livelihoods linked to them. Consolidating war-to-peace transition remains imperative for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, and others, as they need inclusive growth to reinforce the politics of peace. This is the context within which official development assistance must operate and evolve if it is to remain useful.
Keywords: Africa, economic growth, official development assistance, climate change
JEL Classification: E0, O1, O2, O4
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