Jura novit curia principo taikymas tarptautiniame komerciniame arbitraže (Application of the Jura Novit Curia Principle in International Commercial Arbitration)
Periodical journal "VU mokslo darbai. Teisė", 2013, 89
13 Pages Posted: 8 Jan 2015
Date Written: May 17, 2013
Lithuanian Abstract: Straipsnyje analizuojamas jura novit curia principo taikymas tarptautiniame komerciniame arbitraže. Arbitraže nėra nusistovėjusios jura novit curia principo taikymo praktikos. Straipsnyje siekiama išanalizuoti šios lotynų dogmos pritaikymą nagrinėjamam alternatyvaus ginčų nagrinėjimo būdui. Pagrindinis tyrimo klausimas – ar jura novit curia yra teisė, kuria arbitrai gali pasinaudoti arba nepasinaudoti, ar pareiga, kurią arbitrai privalo vykdyti.
English Abstract: There is no uniform practice applicable to the use of concept jura novit curia in international commercial arbitration. The research aims at addressing the appropriateness of jura novit curia in the field. Whether jura novit curia is only a power arbitrators may exercise or an obligation that tribunals must obey? What commonly agreed rules should be designed for international arbitral tribunal for determining the content of applicable law? It is noteworthy that the neutral, non-national and autonomous nature of the international arbitral tribunal should be emphasized. Jura novit curia causes specific problems in international commercial arbitration due to the fact that the parties’ choice of law does not address the question of the applicability of the latter principle in arbitration. The arbitral tribunal faces the uncertainty whether or not and to what extent to apply the aforementioned Latin maxim to a particular case. In order to answer this main research question: “Whether jura novit curia is only a power arbitrators may exercise or an obligation that tribunals must obey?” and to provide a concise solution of the issue, an in-depth analysis of the issue was performed. First, the correlation between jura novit curia, due process and the neutral, non-national and autonomous nature of international commercial arbitration was examined. Second, potential limitations of jura novit curia in arbitration were discussed.
Note: Downloadable document is in Lithuanian.
Keywords: arbitrator, iura novit curia, international arbitration
JEL Classification: K33
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