IMF Surveillance in Europe

35 Pages Posted: 18 Feb 2015

See all articles by Pilar L´Hotellerie-Fallois

Pilar L´Hotellerie-Fallois

Banco de España

Irina Balteanu

Banco de España

Pablo Moreno

Banco de España

Beatriz Urquizu

Banco de España

Caroline Janssens

National Bank of Belgium

Evelien Vincent

National Bank of Belgium

Petr Sedlacek

University of Oxford

Axel Brüggemann

Bank of Finland - Institute for Economies in Transition (BOFIT)

Felix Haupt

Deutsche Bundesbank

Mary Keeney

Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland

Geneviève Deanaz

Banque de France

Francesco Paternò

Bank of Italy

Jon Frost

Bank for International Settlements; University of Cambridge - Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance

Simon Whitaker

Bank of England - Monetary Analysis

Julie McKay

European Central Bank (ECB)

Raymond Ritter

European Central Bank

Date Written: January 7, 2015


The International Monetary Fund has significantly improved its surveillance of the EU and the euro area, along the lines suggested by the Fund’s 2011 Triennial Surveillance Review and in application of its 2012 Integrated Surveillance Decision. Nonetheless, there is still margin for further enhancing IMF surveillance of the EU and the euro area. This report by the Task Force on IMF Issues of the International Relations Committee of the European System of Central Banks was prepared with the aim of contributing to the preparation of and debate on the 2014 IMF Triennial Surveillance Review.

Keywords: IMF, surveillance, international financial architecture, Bretton Woods, international organisation

JEL Classification: F42, F53

Suggested Citation

L´Hotellerie-Fallois, Pilar and Balteanu, Irina and Moreno, Pablo and Urquizu, Beatriz and Janssens, Caroline and Vincent, Evelien and Sedlacek, Petr and Brüggemann, Axel and Haupt, Felix and Keeney, Mary and Deanaz, Geneviève and Paternò, Francesco and Frost, Jon and Whitaker, Simon and McKay, Julie and Ritter, Raymond, IMF Surveillance in Europe (January 7, 2015). ECB Occasional Paper No. 158, Available at SSRN: or

Pilar L´Hotellerie-Fallois

Banco de España ( email )

Alcala 50
Madrid 28014

Irina Balteanu

Banco de España ( email )

Alcala 50
Madrid 28014

Pablo Moreno

Banco de España ( email )

Alcala 50
Madrid 28014

Beatriz Urquizu

Banco de España ( email )

Alcala 50
Madrid 28014

Caroline Janssens

National Bank of Belgium ( email )

Brussels, B-1000

Evelien Vincent

National Bank of Belgium ( email )

Brussels, B-1000

Petr Sedlacek

University of Oxford ( email )

Mansfield Road
Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 4AU
United Kingdom

Axel Brüggemann

Bank of Finland - Institute for Economies in Transition (BOFIT) ( email )

Helsinki 00101

Felix Haupt

Deutsche Bundesbank ( email )

Wilhelm-Epstein-Str. 14
Frankfurt/Main, 60431

Mary Keeney

Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland ( email )

P.O. 559 Dame Street
Dublin 2, D2

Geneviève Deanaz

Banque de France ( email )


Francesco Paternò

Bank of Italy ( email )

Via Nazionale 91
Rome, 00184

Jon Frost

Bank for International Settlements ( email )


University of Cambridge - Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance ( email )

10 Trumpington Street
Cambridge, CB21QA
United Kingdom

Simon Whitaker

Bank of England - Monetary Analysis ( email )

Threadneedle Street
London EC2R 8AH
United Kingdom

Julie McKay

European Central Bank (ECB) ( email )

Kaiserstrasse 29
Frankfurt am Main, D-60311
+49 69 13440 (Phone)
+44 69 1344 6000 (Fax)

Raymond Ritter (Contact Author)

European Central Bank ( email )

Sonnemannstrasse 22
Frankfurt am Main, 60314

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