Humankind in Civilization's Extended Order: A Tragedy, The First Part
20 Pages Posted: 23 Jan 2015 Last revised: 8 May 2017
Date Written: March 13, 2015
This article is a short, scientific narrative of the labyrinthian human career, of humankind's place in the natural order of the world, and of the evolution of moral rules and rule-following that make the extended order of civilization possible. It is a Goethean story of the human condition that postulates the common origins of and modern tension between Pleistocene and Anthropocene morality. And it is a Hayekian story of human universals and the uniqueness of Homo sapiens that explicates some necessary but not sufficient conditions for our prosperity.
Keywords: biological anthropology, envy, evolutionary moral rules, exchange
JEL Classification: D6, D7, O00, P00, Z1
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation