Through the Agency Maze: A How-To Citizen's Guide for Obtaining Information About Agency Actions Affecting the Delaware River Watershed
Mid-Atlantic Environmental Law Center, November 2000
137 Pages Posted: 28 Apr 2015
Date Written: November 1, 2000
The purpose of the Guide is to provide a clear and concise "how to" manual for citizen use of FOIA and state right-to-know laws to obtain information, both written and electronic, concerning decisions made by federal and state agencies affecting the environs of the Delaware River Watershed. Specifically, this Guide is designed to answer the following questions:
-Who can obtain information from federal and state agencies? -What kinds of information can be obtained from federal and state agencies? -What information must be made available by federal and state agencies? -What information must be disclosed, and what may be withheld? -How much does it cost to make a request for information from state and federal agencies? -What legal options are available when an agency refuses to produce requested information?
Keywords: FOIA, freedom of information, environmental law, right-to-know, Delaware River, administrative agencies, federal government, local government
JEL Classification: K32
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation