Job Lock: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design

51 Pages Posted: 24 Apr 2015

See all articles by Robert W. Fairlie

Robert W. Fairlie

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA); National Bureau of Economic Research

Kanika Kapur

University College Dublin (UCD) - Department of Economics

Susan M. Gates

RAND Corporation

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Date Written: April 23, 2015


Employer-provided health insurance may restrict job mobility, resulting in “job lock.” Previous research on job lock finds mixed results using several methodologies. We take a new approach to examine job-lock by exploiting the discontinuity created at age 65 through the qualification for Medicare. Using a novel procedure for identifying age in months from matched monthly CPS data and a relatively unexplored administration measure of job mobility, we compare job mobility among male workers in the months just prior to turning age 65 to job mobility in the months just after turning age 65. We find no evidence that job mobility increases at the age 65 threshold when Medicare eligibility starts. We also do not find evidence that other factors such as retirement, reduction in hours worked, social security eligibility, pension eligibility, and sample changes confound the results on job mobility in the month individuals turn 65.

Keywords: job lock, health insurance, medicare

JEL Classification: J600, I130

Suggested Citation

Fairlie, Robert W. and Kapur, Kanika and Gates, Susan M., Job Lock: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design (April 23, 2015). CESifo Working Paper Series No. 5297, Available at SSRN: or

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Kanika Kapur

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Susan M. Gates

RAND Corporation ( email )

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