The Lean Legal Clinic: Cost-Effective Methods of Implementing Experiential Education
Elon Law Review, Vol. 7, 2015
Georgia State University College of Law, Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2015-18
59 Pages Posted: 3 May 2015 Last revised: 11 Jun 2015
Date Written: 2015
Students crave experience built into their coursework, and the actual feel of representing a client. This article explores the building blocks of putting together a clinic (or experiential program) on a shoestring budget. From the mechanics of administrative details to getting buy-in from the faculty, students, and larger legal community, this paper addresses some of the external intangibles associated with an experiential learning course that for all intents and purposes operates as a clinic. The article also discusses learning outcomes, teachable moments in ethics and professionalism, and getting the bang for your buck in bringing skills and substantive knowledge to students.
Keywords: bankruptcy clinic, legal education, law teaching, law school, clinical legal education, experiential education, bankruptcy, litigation, pedagogy, ethics
JEL Classification: I20, I29, K00, K39, K49
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation