Economic Value Added: A Financial Flexibility Tool
Corporate Ownership and Control 1727-9232 Vol. 12(1)
6 Pages Posted: 28 Jun 2015
Date Written: 2014
With increased emphasis on shareholder value addition, there has been an ongoing debate on choosing the right measure of corporate financial performance. There is need for a single measure of financial performance that not only measures corporate financial performance but also works as a financial flexibility tool. The financial performance measure employed by the firm measures the value generated by the firm. This necessitates the firms to choose the right performance tool which can reflect the accurate value added by the firm. We study the role and implications of Economic Value Added as a financial performance measure and further discuss its applicability as a tool for introducing financial flexibility. Flexibility is assessed by measuring the impact of organization’s competitiveness and performance. The findings reveal that EVA as a tool enables the corporate to differentiate between value-creating and value-destructing activities and helps managers in taking right decisions which enhances shareholder value. Thus, finally the research makes a case for managers to use EVA as a tool to provide additional information to investors. Interestingly, EVA can also be adapted as a corporate philosophy for motivating and educating employees.
Keywords: Economic Value Added, Financial Flexibility
JEL Classification: G3, G32
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation