The Next Great Copyright Office
Landslide, July/August 2015, at 22
13 Pages Posted: 24 Jul 2015
Date Written: July 22, 2015
While Congress considers whether to update U.S. copyright law through the House of Representatives' copyright review hearings, there appears to be a growing consensus that it is time to modernize the Copyright Office. This article reviews the developments that led to the last major revision of the Copyright Act, including similarities between that process and the review process today. It discusses Congress's focus since 1976 on narrower copyright bills, rather than a wholesale revision of U.S. copyright law, and the developments that have led to the review hearings. Finally, it considers the growing focus on Copyright Office modernization, with particular emphasis on the hearing "The U.S. Copyright Office: Its Functions and Resources."
Keywords: copyright, Copyright Office, legislation, modernization, history
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