Antitrust or Industrial Protectionism? Emerging International Issues in China's Anti-Monopoly Law Enforcement Efforts
14 Santa Clara Journal of International Law 109 (2016)
34 Pages Posted: 26 Jul 2015 Last revised: 14 Apr 2016
Date Written: July 24, 2015
This article first reviews the major emerging trends in China’s current AML enforcement efforts, and how they relate to China’s social, political, and economic values, culture, and history. The article then discusses some of the recent cases, rulings, and investigative activities that highlight China’s growing focus on the erection and maintenance of barriers to entry and the employment of exclusionary practices by perceived dominant firms. Part III addresses the ongoing criticisms of China’s AML enforcement activities by Western governmental and business entities, and whether they are merited or likely to catalyze material changes in China’s AML activities.
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