International Environmental Agreements with Social Externalities: A Global Emissions Game with Asymmetric Players

22 Pages Posted: 23 Aug 2015

See all articles by Lina Mallozzi

Lina Mallozzi

CSEF - University of Naples Federico II - Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF)

Stefano Patri

Sapienza University of Rome

Armando Sacco

University of Naples Parthenope - Department of Management Studies and Quantitative Methods

Date Written: August 21, 2015


In this work we present a Global Emission Game with N asymmetric players, in which the pay-off of cooperators is affected by a Social Externality, that we assume to be a positive function. We refer to the notion of self-enforcing agreements to study the stability of the coalition and we assume that the N players are divided in two homogeneous groups, developed and developing countries. Moreover, the externality doesn't depend on emissions, but only on the number of players in coalition. So, it has no effects on the choice of optimal emissions, but only on the stability of the coalition.

Keywords: Global Emission Games, self-enforcing agreements, Social Externalities, asymmetric players

JEL Classification: C72

Suggested Citation

Mallozzi, Lina and Patri, Stefano and Sacco, Armando, International Environmental Agreements with Social Externalities: A Global Emissions Game with Asymmetric Players (August 21, 2015). Available at SSRN: or

Lina Mallozzi

CSEF - University of Naples Federico II - Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF) ( email )

Via Cintia
Complesso Monte S. Angelo
Naples, Naples 80126

Stefano Patri

Sapienza University of Rome ( email )

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
Rome, 00185

Armando Sacco (Contact Author)

University of Naples Parthenope - Department of Management Studies and Quantitative Methods ( email )

Via Medina 40
Via Generale Parisi, 13
Naples, 80133
United States

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