IT-Enabled Product Innovation: Customer Motivation for Participating in Virtual Idea Communities

Int. J. Product Development, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp.126-141, 2015

17 Pages Posted: 2 Sep 2015 Last revised: 13 Mar 2018

See all articles by Ulrich Bretschneider

Ulrich Bretschneider

University of Kassel

J. M. Leimeister

University of St. Gallen; University of Kassel - Information Systems

Lars Mathiassen

Georgia State University

Date Written: 2015


Virtual idea communities (VICs) such as Dell’s ‘Ideastorm’ are very popular in practice. In VICs, customers of firms can submit ideas to support product innovation. This customer-based ideation is not new. Customers have been brought together in lead-user-workshops or focus-groups since the 1980s to support product innovation. However, VICs represents a new form of IT-mediated ideation with customers. While extant research has provided insights into customers’ motives for participating in traditional ideation, we know little about the motivations that drive customer participation in this new form of IT-enabled ideation. Based on a survey of customer motivations for participation, we found evidence for motives that arise directly due to the VIC’s IT-ability to support visualisation of customer ideas, to give feedback on ideas, and to support customers’ social interactions. As a result, VICs are perceived as a way to demonstrate personal capabilities, for getting recognition, and for facilitating social interaction.

Keywords: virtual idea community, open innovation, crowdsourcing, motivation, ideation, new product development, customer involvement, idea management system

Suggested Citation

Bretschneider, Ulrich and Leimeister, Jan Marco and Mathiassen, Lars, IT-Enabled Product Innovation: Customer Motivation for Participating in Virtual Idea Communities (2015). Int. J. Product Development, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp.126-141, 2015, Available at SSRN: or

Ulrich Bretschneider

University of Kassel ( email )

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Jan Marco Leimeister (Contact Author)

University of St. Gallen ( email )

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University of Kassel - Information Systems ( email )

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Lars Mathiassen

Georgia State University ( email )

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