This Compendium describes the contribution of CompNet to the improvement of the analytical framework and indicators of competitiveness. It does this by presenting a comprehensive database of novel competitiveness indicators. These are more than 80 novel indicators designed by CompNet members that capture macro, micro and cross-country dimensions, thus providing a comprehensive view of the competitive position of EU countries and their peers. A short description of each innovative indicator – consisting of the motivation for use, an intuitive explanation of the methodology and a list of advantages and drawbacks – helps the reader to better understand the use of the novel variables. On the analytical side, issues related to the definition of competitiveness are discussed and the empirical evidence on the link between competitiveness indicators and policy objective variables such as real GDP per capita and external trade performance is presented.
Keywords: Price/non-price competitiveness indicators; measuring competitiveness; determinants of competitiveness
Karadeloglou, Pavlos and Benkovskis, Konstantins and Aiello, Giovanni and Bluhm, Benjamin and Bobeica, Elena and Buelens, Christian and Cavallini, Flavia and Christodoulopoulou, Styliani and De Clercq, Maarten and Giordano, Claire and Joseph, Andreas and Leonte, Alexandru and Lommatzsch, Kirsten and Lopez-Garcia, Paloma and Momchilov, Georgi and Osbat, Chiara and Orszaghova, Lucia and Pappadà, Francesco and Prades Illanes, Elvira and Silgoner, Maria and Tkacevs, Olegs and Vermeulen, Robert and Wörz, Julia and Zollino, Francesco, Compendium on the Diagnostic Toolkit for Competitiveness (July 2015). ECB Occasional Paper No. 163, Available at SSRN: or
European Economics: Microeconomics & Industrial Organization eJournal
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Marco Da Rin at Tilburg University, Department of Finance, Francesco Giavazzi at University of Bocconi - Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (IGIER)National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
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