The Revival of States' Rights: A Progress Report and a Proposal
12 Pages Posted: 16 Oct 2015
This is an edited version of remarks presented at the 17th Annual National Federalist Society Symposium on "Reviving the Structural Constitution" in March 1998. Focusing on the U.S. Supreme Court's decisions in United States v. Lopez (1995) and Printz v. United States (1997), it offers both a brief progress report on the Court's seeming revival of states' rights and some suggestions for how the Court might proceed in the future.
Keywords: federalism, spending power, commerce clause, states' rights, Constitution
JEL Classification: K10
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Baker, Lynn A., The Revival of States' Rights: A Progress Report and a Proposal. 22 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 95 (1998), Available at SSRN:
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