Proceedings of The Third International Conference on ICT Management for Global Competitiveness And Economic Growth in Emerging Economies ICTM 2015. Conference Theme: Socio-Economic Sciences and Challenges of Modern Technology and Planetary Communication.
Proceedings on ICT Management (ICTM 2015), University of Wrocław, Poland, PLAIS, Linköping University, Sweden, College of Management “Edukacja”, Wroclaw, Poland, October 22-23, 2015/ed. by J. Kowal, H. Lindskog, P. Soja and R. Sonntag
150 PagesPosted: 1 Nov 2015Last revised: 4 Nov 2015
Communication is increasingly at the center of human activity and crucial to the success of individual professionals and their organizations. Moreover, communication in various organizations (companies, schools, etc.) encompasses all the means, both formal and informal, by which information is conveyed. These various modes of communication may be exploited to disseminate official information between parties, to exchange hearsay and rumors, or anything in between. The challenge for businesses, pedagogy and linguistics is to channel these myriad communications so they serve to improve relations, bolster individual satisfaction, build knowledge-sharing throughout the organization, and most importantly, enhance mutual understanding. Unfortunately, despite this vigorous economic growth, most emerging economies still lag behind the mature, developed countries in economic output and standard of living. To truly close this gap, new management techniques, new business models, and new regulatory policies, among other factors may be needed. Moreover, information and communication technologies (ICTs) will likely play a vital role in this development process. Thus, the objective of this conference is to provide a forum for interested researchers and practitioners to exchange their experiences and creative ideas related to ICT management for global competitiveness and economic growth in emerging economies.
Keywords: ICT Management,Global Competitiveness, Economic Growth, Emerging Countries
Kowal, Jolanta and Lindskog, Helena and Soja, Piotr and Sonntag, Ralph and Lent, Bogdan and Wolski, Aleksander and Gawin, Bartłomiej and Gawin, Bartłomiej and Marcinkowski, Bartosz and Ślazyk-Sobol, Magdalena and Śleziak, Bogusław and Forma, Paulina and Holovanova, Tetiana and Gochhait, Saikat and Heinz, Matthias and Halgasch, Jana and Łoś, Zbigniew and Senejko, Alicja and Keplinger, Alicja and Mäkiö, Juho and Kaczmarek, Żaneta and Stavniichuk, Antonina and Pieczara, Bartosz and Koćwin, Lesław and Garg, Ajay and Kamiński, Mariusz and Klimas, Anna and Kamińska, Małgorzata and Zawodniak, Joanna and Sattler, Wolfgang and Sitta, Manuel and Frink, Carsten and Koćwin, Julitta and Czerny, Janusz and Zajączkowska, Maria and Ananova, Ivanna and Danyliuk, Ivan and Fadeeva, M. and Gulenko, Andrii and Scherbina, V. and Vlasova, Olena and Janowska, Anna Anetta and Kanafa-Chmielewska, Dorota and Rudska, Antonina and Meniailo, Veronika and Lewandowski, Marek and Wąsiński, Jaroslaw and Woźniak, Piotr and Kuzio, Anna and Piechota, Robert and Izabela, Zając and Ostapiuk, Krystyna and Malets, Karyna and Nevidoma, Yana and Panczenko, O. A. and Zaytseva, N.A. and Sadchikova, E.G. and Symonenko, E.B. and Kabantseva, A.V. and Kayotkina, N.A. and Minakova, E.N. and Chorny, Y.O and Garazha, M.V. and Antonov, V.G. and Trofimov, Andrii and Pavlin, Daria and Rudska, Margaryta and Norek, Tomasz and Malinowska, Magdalena, Proceedings of The Third International Conference on ICT Management for Global Competitiveness And Economic Growth in Emerging Economies ICTM 2015. Conference Theme: Socio-Economic Sciences and Challenges of Modern Technology and Planetary Communication. (October 21, 2015). Proceedings on ICT Management (ICTM 2015), University of Wrocław, Poland, PLAIS, Linköping University, Sweden, College of Management “Edukacja”, Wroclaw, Poland, October 22-23, 2015/ed. by J. Kowal, H. Lindskog, P. Soja and R. Sonntag, Available at SSRN: