Risks and Opportunities of Participation in Global Value Chains

Journal of Banking and Financial Economics, Vol. 2, Issue 4, 2015, pp. 51-63, 2015

13 Pages Posted: 30 Nov 2015

See all articles by G. Gereffi

G. Gereffi

Duke University - Department of Sociology - Director, Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness

Xubei Luo

World Bank

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Date Written: May 10, 2015


Risk is inherent to the pursuit of opportunity. This paper surveys the recent literature and looks at the risks and opportunities firms and their workers face in the global value chains. First, it examines the risk-sharing mechanisms that firms provide from the national and global perspectives; second, it takes a closer look at the new opportunities and challenges for firms and individuals in the global arena; third, it discusses the role of economic upgrading and social upgrading; and finally it sheds light on how the government can help people manage risks and reap the benefits in the participation of global value chains.

Keywords: Global Value Chains, Risk, Opportunity, Economic Upgrading, Social Upgrading

JEL Classification: F16; F23; L25

Suggested Citation

Gereffi, Gary and Luo, Xubei, Risks and Opportunities of Participation in Global Value Chains (May 10, 2015). Journal of Banking and Financial Economics, Vol. 2, Issue 4, 2015, pp. 51-63, 2015, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2696425

Gary Gereffi (Contact Author)

Duke University - Department of Sociology - Director, Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness ( email )

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Xubei Luo

World Bank ( email )

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