The End of the Subordinate Worker: Sharing Economy, On-Demand Economy, Crowdsourcing, Uber Economy and Other Ways of Outsourcing
Posted: 23 Jan 2016
Date Written: December 21, 2015
The Digital era has changed industrial relationships dramatically. This has caused a considerable legal uncertainty about which rules apply to cyberspace. Technology is transforming business organizations in a way that makes the employee - as subordinate work - less necessary. A new type of companies "on demand economy" "sharing economy" - dedicated to connecting customers directly with individual service providers are emerging. Thus, these companies develop their core business completely through workers classified as self-employed workers. In this context, employment law is facing its greatest challenge, dealing with a very different reality compared to the one existing when it was created. However, workers still need protection. This study aims to analyse the reasons behind this conclusion.
Keywords: Outsorcing, sharing economy, employment contract, self-employed, uber economy, on demand economy, independent contractor, peer to peer economy,
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