Clinging to My Turtle: A Rejoinder to Richard Bellamy and Adrienne Stone
Edinburgh School of Law Research Paper No. 2016/09
C. Mac Amhlaigh, 'Clinging to my Turtle: A Rejoinder to Richard Bellamy and Adrienne Stone' I*CON 1 (2016).
6 Pages Posted: 7 Apr 2016
Date Written: April 5, 2016
This short article is a rejoinder to the challenges raised by Richard Bellamy and Adrienne Stone to my argument in C. Mac Amhlaigh 'Putting Political Constitutionalism in its Place' I*CON 1 (2016) 1-23. Their challenges are published along with this rejoinder in the same issue.
Keywords: Political Constitutionalism; infinite regress; judicial review; disagreement; minimal theory of legitimacy
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Mac Amhlaigh, Cormac S., Clinging to My Turtle: A Rejoinder to Richard Bellamy and Adrienne Stone (April 5, 2016). Edinburgh School of Law Research Paper No. 2016/09, C. Mac Amhlaigh, 'Clinging to my Turtle: A Rejoinder to Richard Bellamy and Adrienne Stone' I*CON 1 (2016)., Available at SSRN: or
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