Relationships between Organizational Support, Organizational Commitment and Retention: Evidence from High-Potential Employees

Global Journal of Business Research, v. 10 (1) p. 11-26 (2016)

16 Pages Posted: 1 Sep 2016

See all articles by Jocelyne Abraham

Jocelyne Abraham

IAE de Tours - CERMAT

Stephane Renaud

University of Montreal

Jean-Yves Saulquin

Université de Poitiers

Multiple version iconThere are 2 versions of this paper

Date Written: 2016


This study examines the effects of perceived organizational support on high-potential employees’ intention to stay with their organization in the short- medium- and long-term, through the mediating effect of organizational commitment. Data derive from an online survey conducted among a sample of 221 highpotential employees working in organizations in the Centre-Val de Loire Region (France). Statistical analyses were conducted using the Macro MEDIATE developed by Hayes and Preacher (2014). In short, results revealed that the effect of organizational support on high-potential employees’ intention to stay varies according to the three time points and suggest that the effect actually progresses over time.

Keywords: Organizational Support, Intent to Stay, Retention, Organizational Commitment, Human Resource Management

JEL Classification: M540

Suggested Citation

Abraham, Jocelyne and Renaud, Stephane and Saulquin, Jean-Yves, Relationships between Organizational Support, Organizational Commitment and Retention: Evidence from High-Potential Employees (2016). Global Journal of Business Research, v. 10 (1) p. 11-26 (2016), Available at SSRN:

Jocelyne Abraham (Contact Author)

IAE de Tours - CERMAT ( email )

Stephane Renaud

University of Montreal ( email )

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Jean-Yves Saulquin

Université de Poitiers ( email )

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