Incentives in Dynamic Duopoly

44 Pages Posted: 21 Aug 2001

See all articles by Byoung Jun

Byoung Jun

Korea University - Department of Economics

Xavier Vives

University of Navarra - IESE Business School; Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR); CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute for Economic Research)

Date Written: July 2001


We compare steady states of open loop and locally stable Markov perfect equilibria (MPE) in a general symmetric differential game duopoly model with costs of adjustment. Strategic incentives depend on whether an increase in the state variable of a firm hurts or helps the rival and on whether there is intertemporal strategic substitutability or complementarity at the MPE. Furthermore, we characterize completely strategic incentives in the linear-quadratic specification of the model and find that when production (price) is costly to adjust there is intertemporal strategic substitutability (complementarity) and the steady state of the Markov perfect equilibrium is more (less) competitive than the steady state of the open-loop equilibrium, which coincides with the static outcome. In particular, in a differentiated product duopoly market with price competition and costly production adjustment, each firm's leadership attempts turn into Stackelberg price warfare, yielding a MPE steady state outcome more competitive than static Bertrand competition. The static strategic complementarity in the price game is turned into intertemporal strategic substitutability.

Keywords: Adjustment costs, Bertrand, Cournot, differential game, Markov perfect equilibrium, open-loop equilibrium, product differentation, Stackelberg warfare point

JEL Classification: C73

Suggested Citation

Jun, Byoung H. and Vives, Xavier, Incentives in Dynamic Duopoly (July 2001). Available at SSRN:

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Xavier Vives

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