The Balkans as a Security Region: Regional and Global Challenges
Taranu, A. (ed.), Governing for the Future: Interdisciplinary Perspectives for a Sustainable World, Proceedings of Third Academos Conference, Medimond, Italy, pp.161-167 (2016)
6 Pages Posted: 18 Aug 2016 Last revised: 4 Jun 2018
Date Written: June 11, 2016
The paper presents some arguments for consideration of the Balkans as a separate region of security for the last two decades. From the point of view of the regional security complex theory, the paper analyzes the results of the “super-powers” policies, ethnic conflicts and wars in our region. There are some reasons to conclude that the Balkan countries feel unwelcome in the EU through the faults and expansive domination of the leading countries in this organization, which gives them the role of a “cordon sanitaire” against refugee flows and staging ground for confrontation with Russia. The paper critically analyzes the state of the regional relations and the confrontation of the “super-powers” (USA, Russia, the EU) and regional powers as Turkey around the realization of some key energy projects on the Balkans and in the Middle East. The new role of Turkey as a regional leader with a decisive role in regional crises in the Middle East and on the Balkans and as an energy center in the future is also an important argument in favour of the thesis of formation of the Balkans as a separate security region. Some regional and global challenges are critically considered, such as the refugee flows, wars and confrontation in the Middle East, ethnic and national conflicts in our region. A conclusion is drawn up that the transformation of the EU in the XXI century and the ability of our countries to unite around common interests determine the prospects of achieving a lasting peace and conditions for economic recovery and development on the Balkans.
Keywords: Keywords: region of security, Balkans, regional and global challenges
JEL Classification: Security Studies, Political Philosophy
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation