Provjera Metrijskih Karakteristika Skale Transcendentalne Budućnosti Kao Vremenske Perspektive (A Check of Measurement Characteristics of the Transcendental-Future Time Perspective Scale)

Holon, 4(1), 35-57, 2014

23 Pages Posted: 29 Aug 2016 Last revised: 29 Aug 2016

Date Written: 2014


Croatian Abstract: Paradigma vremenskih perspektiva novi je pristup, baziran na jedinstvenom spoju koncepcija o vremenu u oblasti psihologije, antropologije i sociologije. Postulirano je da svaka osoba može interpretirati osobna iskustva i ponašati se u skladu sa šest temporalnih stilova: pozitivna prošlost, negativna prošlost, hedonistička sadašnjost, fatalistička sadašnjost, budućnost i transcendentalna budućnost. Kako je posljednja vremenska perspektiva nedovoljno istražena, u ovom je radu provjeravana faktorska validnost njene operacionalizacije (Skale transcendentalne budućnosti kao vremenske perspektive – TFTPS). Drugi je cilj ovoga rada ispitivanje povezanosti rezultata na spomenutoj skali sa: generalnim zadovoljstvom životom, otvorenošću prema iskustvima i subjektivnom procjenom religioznosti. Prikupljen je prigodni uzorak, koji je činilo 178 sudionika, dobi od 18 do 59 godina. Korišten je sljedeći instrumentarij: TFTPS, tvrdnja o subjektivnoj procjeni općeg zadovoljstva životom, tvrdnja o subjektivnoj procjeni religioznosti, te niz tvrdnji koje se odnose na mjerenje otvorenosti prema iskustvu, iz Internacionalnog skupa čestica ličnosti (IPIP). Instrumentarij je distribuiran putem jednog od online servera, koji se inače koristi u ove svrhe. Rezultati ukazuju na relativno zadovoljavajuću konstruktnu valjanost TFTPS-a, pri čemu su predložene određene modifikacije njenoga sadržaja. Rezultati na Skali transcendentalne budućnosti kao vremenske perspektive nisu u statistički značajnoj korelaciji sa zadovoljstvom životom, niti s pozitivnom inačicom otvorenosti prema iskustvu (intelekt/imaginacija), ali su u statistički značajnim korelacijama s negativnom inačicom otvorenosti prema iskustvu (konvencionalnost/konzervativnost) i subjektivnom procjenom religioznosti. Na kraju rada, prodiskutirano je o prednostima i nedostacima opisanog istraživanja, mogućnostima poboljšanja kvalitete TFTPS-a, i daljim koracima u znanstvenom pristupu ovom području.

English Abstract: The temporal perspective paradigm is a new approach, based on a unique combination of conceptions of time in the field of psychology, anthropology and sociology. It is postulated that each person can interpret his/her experience and behave in accordance with six temporal styles: past positive, past negative, present hedonistic, present fatalistic, and future transcendental. Since the last time perspective has not been explored enough, in this paper factor validity of its operationalization is examined (Transcendental-Future Time Perspective Scale - TFTPS). The second objective of this paper is to investigate correlations between TFTPS results and general life satisfaction, openness to experience and subjective assessment of religiosity. A convenient sample of 178 participants, from 18 to 59 years old has been collected. The following instruments were used: TFTPS, an item for assessment of general life satisfaction, an item for subjective assessment of religiosity, and a group of International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) statements related to the measurement of openness to experience. The instruments have been applied through one of the online servers, which is usually used for this purpose. Results indicate a relatively satisfactory construct validity of TFTPS, with certain modifications suggested for its content. Results on the Transcendental-Future Time Perspective Scale are not statistically significant correlated with life satisfaction or positive version of openness to experience (intellect/imagination), but were statistically significant correlated with the negative version of openness to experience (conventionality/conservatism) and subjective assessment of religiosity. At the end of the paper, the following has been discussed: advantages and disadvantages of the present research, possibilities for improving the quality of TFTPS and further steps in the scientific approach to this field.

Note: Downloadable document is in Croatian.

Keywords: Intellect, Conventionality, Openness to Experience, Religiosity, Transcendental-Future, Time Perspective, Satisfaction with Life

Suggested Citation

Repišti, Selman, Provjera Metrijskih Karakteristika Skale Transcendentalne Budućnosti Kao Vremenske Perspektive (A Check of Measurement Characteristics of the Transcendental-Future Time Perspective Scale) (2014). Holon, 4(1), 35-57, 2014, Available at SSRN:

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