An Econometric Analysis of Volatility Discovery
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
35 Pages Posted: 29 Aug 2016 Last revised: 11 Dec 2023
Date Written: December 20, 2017
We investigate information processing in the stochastic process driving stock's volatility (volatility discovery). We apply fractionally cointegration techniques to decompose the estimates of the market-specific integrated variances into an estimate of the common integrated variance of the efficient price and a transitory component.
The market weights on the common integrated variance of the efficient price are the volatility discovery measures. We relate the volatility discovery measure to the price discovery framework and formally show their roles on the identification of the integrated variance of the efficient price. We establish the limiting distribution of the volatility discovery measures by resorting to both long span and in-fill asymptotics. The empirical application is in line with our theoretical results, as it reveals that trading venues incorporate new information into the stochastic volatility process in an individual manner and that the volatility discovery analysis identifies a distinct information process than that based on the price discovery analysis.
Keywords: information processing, volatility persistency, high-frequency data, price discovery, realized volatility, fractionally cointegrated vector autoregressive (FCVAR)
JEL Classification: C32, C51, C52, G12
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