The Freedom to Film Pornography
42 Pages Posted: 7 Feb 2020 Last revised: 10 Dec 2016
Date Written: November 27, 2016
Have you ever wondered if it is legal to film "First Amendment protected erotica" in your state?
Have you ever wondered why pornography is not actually "filmed prostitution?"
Are you now wondering why anyone would write a law review article about such things?
Wonder no more:
Repeat after me WITH FEELING:
1. "Pornography is not prostitution" 2. "It is legal to film porn everywhere in America"
Now, download the article and read it so that you can learn why.
You'll be smarter, and more interesting at parties.
Some sanctimonious clown will think that surfing Reddit substitutes for three years of law school and a bar exam. They'll say "you know you can only film porn in California and New Hampshire." Then you can proclaim "oh yeah, well I read the complete study of this issue and you are WRONG."
You'll be the coolest one at the party.
All because you read this law review article about the First Amendment right to film pornography.
Keywords: first amendment, porn, pornography, constitution, constitutional, california, new hampshire, freedom of expression
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