The Effect of Ownership and Competitive Pressure on Firm Performance in Transition Countries: Micro Evidence from Bulgaria, Romania and Poland

34 Pages Posted: 14 Oct 2001

See all articles by Manuela Angelucci

Manuela Angelucci

University of Arizona - Department of Economics; University of Michigan - Department of Economics; Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA)

Saul Estrin

Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR); London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE); IZA Institute of Labor Economics

Jozef Konings

Catholic University of Leuven (KUL) - LICOS - Centrum voor Transitie-economie; Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR); IZA Institute of Labor Economics

Zbigniew Zolkiewski

NOBE - Independent Center for Economic Studies; Central Statistical Office, Warsaw

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Date Written: October 2001


This Paper uses a unique representative firm level data set to analyse the effect of domestic and international competitive pressure and ownership changes in three emerging economies, Bulgaria Poland and Romania. Our main findings can be summarized as follows: Domestic competitive pressure, measured by market structure, and increased import penetration are associated with higher firm performance in Poland irrespective of the ownership structure of firms. Furthermore the positive effects of increased import competition are reinforced for foreign owned firms. In contrast, in Bulgaria and Romania, increased import penetration is associated with lower firm performance, while there is some evidence that more competitive market structures are associated with higher total factor productivity. These effects depend, however, on the ownership structure of firms, which suggests the existence of complementarities between competitive pressure and ownership changes. The results also indicate that privatisation has positive effects on firm performance. In particular, domestic private firms and foreign-owned firms outperform state-owned firms. Furthermore, there is evidence that foreign-owned firms do better than domestically-owned private firms especially in Bulgaria and Poland. The results on ownership are somewhat weaker for Romania.

Keywords: Competitive pressure, privatisation, firm performance

JEL Classification: D24, D40, D42, J42, L10, L33, P23, P31

Suggested Citation

Angelucci, Manuela and Angelucci, Manuela and Estrin, Saul and Estrin, Saul and Konings, Jozef and Zolkiewski, Zbigniew, The Effect of Ownership and Competitive Pressure on Firm Performance in Transition Countries: Micro Evidence from Bulgaria, Romania and Poland (October 2001). Available at SSRN:

Manuela Angelucci (Contact Author)

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Zbigniew Zolkiewski

NOBE - Independent Center for Economic Studies ( email )

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Central Statistical Office, Warsaw

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