How Information on Archetypal Symbolism in Internet Can Affect the Modern Man Travel as a Kind of the Self-Therapy?
Proceedings of the International Conference on ICT Management for Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth in Emerging Economies (ICTM 2016), 7-8 November, University of Wrocław, Poland, PLAIS, Linköping University, Sweden, WSZ E, Poland, PTPA
24 Pages Posted: 28 Nov 2016 Last revised: 30 Nov 2016
Date Written: November 7, 2016
The goal of the paper is to consider how information on archetypal symbolism in Internet can affect the modern man travel as a kind of the self-therapy. In this paper there are presented issues related to possible to read from Internet descriptions of rituals, myths and archetypal symbolism also in relation to tourism in terms of C. G. Jung’s depth psychology. The theme of the cultural role of ritual, myth and fairy tale is considered in relation to such issues like archetypes and complexes. Tourism is one of the elements of the culture - the whole material and spiritual achievements of mankind. When traveling, people get to know the language, religion, traditions, customs, rites and rituals of other cultures. Undertaken by modern man's journeys have psychological meaning, therefore in many myths and fairy tales there is often found an important Wanderer archetype.
Keywords: rituals, myths, symbols, archetypes, Wanderer, travel, Internet
JEL Classification: M00, O00, P00, P30, P31
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation