A Burden of Knowledge Creation in Academic Research: Evidence from Publication Data

40 Pages Posted: 10 Jan 2017 Last revised: 12 Nov 2019

See all articles by Sascha Schweitzer

Sascha Schweitzer

Reutlingen University; University of Bayreuth

Jan Brendel

University of Bayreuth

Date Written: November 9, 2019


Academic research is vital for innovation and industrial growth. However, a potential burden of processing ever more knowledge could be affecting research output and researchers' careers. We look at a dataset of researchers who have published in journals in the field of economics during a period of 45 years. For a subset of these researchers, we amass data from journals listed in the EconLit database, supplemented with years of birth from public sources. Our results show an increase in the age of researchers at their first publication, in the number of articles referenced in debut articles, and in the number of coauthors. Simultaneously, we observe a decline in the probability of researchers changing research fields. Our findings extend earlier findings on patents and hint at a burden of knowledge pervading different areas of human progress. Moreover, our results indicate that researchers develop strategies of specialisation to deal with this challenge.

Keywords: knowledge creation; academic research; researcher age; team size; references; specialisation

JEL Classification: A11, D83, J24, O31

Suggested Citation

Schweitzer, Sascha and Brendel, Jan, A Burden of Knowledge Creation in Academic Research: Evidence from Publication Data (November 9, 2019). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2895685 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2895685

Sascha Schweitzer

Reutlingen University ( email )

Alteburgstr. 150
Reutlingen, 72762

University of Bayreuth ( email )

Universitatsstr 30
Bayreuth, D-95447

Jan Brendel (Contact Author)

University of Bayreuth ( email )

Universitatsstr 30
Bayreuth, D-95447

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