The Power of Community Action: Anti‐Payday Loan Ordinances in Three Metropolitan Areas
152 Pages Posted: 2 Feb 2017 Last revised: 4 May 2017
There are 2 versions of this paper
The Power of Community Action: Anti‐Payday Loan Ordinances in Three Metropolitan Areas
The Power of Community Action: Anti-Payday Loan Ordinances in Three Metropolitan Areas (Executive Summary)
Date Written: January 24, 2017
Local ordinances that restrict payday lending constitute an important strategy in the overall attack on this problematic form of lending. In this report, made possible by the generous support of Silicon Valley Community Foundation, we describe and analyze campaigns in three locales that differ markedly in the opportunities and challenges faced by ordinance advocates. The locales are Santa Clara and San Mateo counties in California (“Silicon Valley”); Dallas, Denton, and Tarrant counties in Texas; and Salt Lake County in Utah. This report finds both commonalities and important variations among these campaigns. While there is no single recipe for a successful ordinance campaign, our comparative analysis suggests the following ten lessons for payday lending opponents and other advocates of social reform via local action.
Note: Funded by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.
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