Managing Stress at Workplace
Journal of Management Research and Analysis, October-December, 2016; 3(4): 154-160
7 Pages Posted: 8 Feb 2017
Date Written: 2016
Stress is generally indicated as a deviation from normal functioning of body and mind. Stress can approach in an organization due to many reasons such as control over work, managerial style of manager etc. Stress in limited quantity is beneficial to organization and employee as well. It helps to achieve personal as well as goals of organization. But stress in excess quantity can cause harmful effects on the body, mind and psychology of employees. Stress can be measured by using psychological methods involving use of questionnaires. Physical measurement involve measuring of various physical constants of body such as blood pressure. Physiological measures include measurements of various hormonal levels etc. And the measures to relieve this stress include sports, music, dancing, hobbies etc. Excessive stress can be reduced by help of professional counselors. But the stress at workplace is an important issue must be dealt with to achieve progress. Day by day challenges for human is increasing in many different fields as if progress in turn creates new problems. Slowly the nature of working has been changed and still these changes are in progress. Because of these changes, number of illnesses has been increased, morality and human aspects are faded and new problems are occurred every day, so that we are facing job stress which called “illness of the century”. As a measure to minimize stress, delegating some work, share burden with colleagues, leave and time off work with family and love ones, as well as reducing work overtime ranked highest as strategies for stress management. Findings of a number of studies on this aspect says that stress has a great impact on the professionals and thereby affects the level of productivity. Thus it is recommended that professionals should exhibit self-control and good self-esteem; engage in continuous professional development on skills for better organization, integration of work within specified project constraints and delegation of assignment, authority and breaking work into manageable parts so as to be able to cope with stress.
Keywords: Stress, Stress management, Causes, Measures, Effects
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