Performance Analysis of Investment Strategies – Pitfalls and Surprises

Lecture Notes in Management Science, Vol. 5, p. 176-180, 2013

Posted: 8 Feb 2017

See all articles by Peter Scholz

Peter Scholz

Hamburg School of Business Administration

Ursula Walther

Berlin School of Economics and Law

Date Written: August 28, 2013


Active investment strategies are a subject of endless debates. Myriads of studies have been conducted to proof performance potential or to reject previous studies due to flaws or misinterpretations. The presentation will address three specific aspects which often are disregarded when performance is measured. Firstly, we will discuss the role of backtests and show that this instrument — even when used carefully and skilled — may lead to biased and misleading results. Secondly, we give an example that the concepts of performance and forecast power must be strictly distinguished. Finally, we demonstrate that implementation details, while largely neglected, may strongly impact and bias a strategy’s performance.

Keywords: Backtest; Forecast Power; Implementation; Market Efficiency; Performance Analysis; Simple Moving Average; Simulations; Technical Timing Strategies

JEL Classification: G11

Suggested Citation

Scholz, Peter and Walther, Ursula, Performance Analysis of Investment Strategies – Pitfalls and Surprises (August 28, 2013). Lecture Notes in Management Science, Vol. 5, p. 176-180, 2013, Available at SSRN:

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Hamburg School of Business Administration ( email )

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Ursula Walther

Berlin School of Economics and Law ( email )

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