Rolul activ al judecatorului, Dreptul la un proces echitabil si refuzul efectuării unei trimiteri preliminare. Perspectiva Curtii Europene a Drepturilor Omului si exemple din jurisprudenta romaneasca (The Active Role of the Judge, Right to a Fair Trial and Refusal to Make a Preliminary Reference. The Perspective of the European Court of Human Rights and Examples from Romanian Case-law)

Revista romana de drept european (Wolters Kluwer), nr. 3/2013, p. 137-160

25 Pages Posted: 4 Apr 2017

See all articles by Daniel Mihail Sandru

Daniel Mihail Sandru

Center for European Legal Studies, Legal Research Institute of Romanian Academy

Constantin-Mihai Banu

Center for European Legal Studies, Legal Research Institute of Romanian Academy

Dragos Calin

Romanian Academy - Center for European Legal Studies, Legal Research Institute; Bucharest Court of Appeal

Date Written: April 2, 2014


Romanian Abstract: Într-o serie de hotărâri pronunţate până în prezent, Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului a arătat că obligaţia de motivare a refuzului cererii de sesizare de către o instanţă judecătorească vizată de art. 267 paragraful al treilea TFUE este primordială, ţinând cont de excepţiile prevăzute în jurisprudenţa CILFIT. Pentru început, articolul descrie contextul rolului activ al judecătorului naţional şi prezintă perspectiva Curţii Europene a Drepturilor Omului asupra dreptului la un proces echitabil în situaţia refuzului unei instanţe interne de a sesiza Curtea de Justiţie pentru pronunţarea unei decizii preliminare. Este expusă ulterior pe larg o hotărâre recentă a unei instanţe române privind acţiunea în răspundere împotriva statului, în cazul refuzului unei instanţe române de a adresa o întrebare preliminară. Articolul se încheie cu discutarea a două hotărâri recente provenite de la instanţe române, care ilustrează în sens contradictoriu rolul activ al judecătorului vizat de art. 267 paragraful al treilea TFUE, atunci când acesta respinge o cerere de sesizare a Curţii de Justiţie.

English Abstract: By a series of judgments delivered up to the present, the European Court of Human Rights held that the duty to state reasons concerning the refusal to seek a preliminary ruling, which is incumbent upon a court covered by Article 267(3) TFEU that has to take into account the exceptions provided for in the CILFIT case-law, is crucial. Firstly, the paper describes the framework of active role played by the national judge and presents the perspective of the European Court of Human Rights concerning the right to a fair trial when a refusal of a national court to make a preliminary reference to the Court of Justice arises. Then, a recent judgment of a Romanian court concerning proceedings for liability against the State in the framework of refusal of a Romanian court to seek a preliminary reference is examined at length. The article ends by discussing two recent judgments originating from Romanian courts aimed to point out contradictory trends concerning the active role that the judge covered by Article 267(3) TFEU has to play when rejecting a request to refer preliminary questions to the European Court of Justice.

Note: Downloadable document is available in Romanian.

Keywords: preliminary reference, refusal to seek a preliminary ruling from the Court of Justice, Article 267(3) TFEU, active role of the judge, right to a fair trial, European Convention on Human Rights; European Court of Human Rights, Romania

JEL Classification: K22

Suggested Citation

Sandru, Daniel-Mihail and Banu, Constantin-Mihai and Calin, Dragos, Rolul activ al judecatorului, Dreptul la un proces echitabil si refuzul efectuării unei trimiteri preliminare. Perspectiva Curtii Europene a Drepturilor Omului si exemple din jurisprudenta romaneasca (The Active Role of the Judge, Right to a Fair Trial and Refusal to Make a Preliminary Reference. The Perspective of the European Court of Human Rights and Examples from Romanian Case-law) (April 2, 2014). Revista romana de drept european (Wolters Kluwer), nr. 3/2013, p. 137-160, Available at SSRN: or

Daniel-Mihail Sandru (Contact Author)

Center for European Legal Studies, Legal Research Institute of Romanian Academy ( email )

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Constantin-Mihai Banu

Center for European Legal Studies, Legal Research Institute of Romanian Academy ( email )

Dragos Calin

Romanian Academy - Center for European Legal Studies, Legal Research Institute ( email )

Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, sector 5
Bucuresti, 050711

Bucharest Court of Appeal ( email )

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